Friday, December 7, 2018


On a scorching day
Mr Sun donates his illuminating inferno on earth
Her baby is strapped on her weary vertebra 
Load dangling on her brooded upstairs 
Her child beside her drives one in the same manner
They are casted out abruptly from their abode
On their feet they opt for a solace quest
Colourful misty dust embraced their languid legs
To wish them good luck
Which no soul did
Tress bowed their heads to bade them farewell
Which no mortal did
Stems of leaves baced soft wind on them
To fraught them  spirit of hope they lost
The scorching sun shoned on them
To ignite illumination on the terrain
They are hiking on
Marching is the only propeller they have
To reach their desired destination.

- Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Humans are created from jealousness. People can't help it but to jealous when others have what they don't have. You know your friends or your siblings doesn't have a particular thing yet you brag in front of him or her that you have this you have that or you flaunt that thing in their presence or you tell them you have money when you know they are broke. What do you expect of them in return apart from "Jealousy". When you have something that others don't have or you think they will be envious of you don't brag with that thing or flaunt it in their presence, hide it from them if you can and live your life peacefully. Jealousy turns to envy, envy turns to wicked and devilish act. Don't let people harm you, always be careful of what you say, show off or post on social medias. Not everybody that laughs with you and call themselves your friend is truly your friend or your family, some are just the devil in disguise while some are the devil apprentice.

The problems in Nigeria is now beyond ordinary human eyes. Everything is turning upside down on a daily basis, up from the elites who run the government administration of this country down to the citizens. The massive corruption game and greed game played on the Nigerian government ship is not a new thing anymore, all Nigerian citizens are aware of it. The rate of this game played in Nigeria is not a normal thing, it's something spiritual, imagine the masses in Nigerian are wallowing in abject penury and have thousands of unemployed youths in a great country that calls itself "Giant Of Africa". I think a negative energy is behind all these. Imagine the large number of pastors and mallams we have in this ungodly motherland of ours yet the game seize to exist. I doubt if these holy men are praying for Nigeria or God is not answering their prayers or they too are part and parcel of this nasty game. Another spectre issue is the game of Boko haram, it has refused to stop existing despite all the government's effort to delible it. This things has made me come to the conclusion that some thing dark and powerful is behind this and living bodies in our motherland are the vehicle that led to this awful games. Prayers from clean hearts of holy men; pastors and mallams are vital to help reduce these awful and deadly games played in Nigeria.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


I know a young beautiful virtuous damsel
Who's a half human half goddess
Very alluring with all the perfect curves
From left to right
Back to front
Men eyes employ themselves
To stares at this damsel for a lifetime
Skin so sleek and soft
Every man will want to have a feel

Graced with the sixth sense
Exercises extra ordinary feats
That mortals can't exercise 
Only goddess are endowed with such
Half human half goddess
Is her model of creation
Graced with an angelic heart too
An angel in human form
A wife material 
But hot temper is her only flaw.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Bitter hearts laments the dirge
With their five sense organs
Accompanied by sweet high pitch and rhythm
With an accent of a wailer like the moirologist 
Hearts are now broken China
Left unamended in the scorching sun rays
Mortal bodies oozes river of tears
Weeping becomes their hubby
Bewailing floods their home
Even the walls too wails.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Engraved religion all over their torso like a tattoo
Very visible on their forehead too
Very clear to every soul's vision
The holy house is their second home
They are daily customers of worship
Cuddles the holy book like a baby
Reciting the holy corpus daily
Performing the act of a prayer warrior
Meditating to the Great Master above daily
Graced with the might to see visions
Narrates your problems like a short story
Like a messiah sent to save earth
But only a devil's apprentice
Employed to drive earth into carnage

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
                            MEN IN UNIFORM.
Not banished from home
But stays away from family
All in the course of serving our motherland
After signing their death warrant 
They match to war fronts
Willingly offering themselves to Mr Death
Feasting themselves to wars
One after the other
They embrace the warm bullets as hugs
Welcome the hot hungry bombs like good friends
Accompany the missiles to achieve its aim on them
Roasted like barbecue
Now eaten up by war brutally
Lost a leg, hand or an eye
When they depart this world
Their cold bodies are dragged on the rough earth
Contempt burial is what is served to them
Their families now wallow in abject penury
Their compensation is swallowed by the top men
Years of sacrifice was in vain
Heroic deeds are not noted
But turned a blind eye to it.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


When the dark cloud dies out
The sky gives birth to a bright one 
It then gives birth to its dews
Frosty day comes alive again
Mild moment resumes its shift again
Cold breeze cut throw skins
Breeze of goosebumps creator
Insiders mold themselves with blankets
Outsiders clamp their bodies together
Even pocketing their hands
The new day is awake
Performing its godly duty
Exercising its daily shift.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
Human race is in the state-of-the-art decimation, the bastion of religious doctrines and good morals are discarded like a used toilet paper that's why the locomotion of hard deeds seizes to go instinct.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

I saw a sign in the sky
My mother told me it's an augury
Her foreboding was correct
Few days later her foreboding came to reality
Another creature has been shifted
Its skin was pierced more than once
Lying on the earth cold
Engulfed in its on pool created
By its red body liquid 
It flooded the earth
Flowing gracefully to the four cardinal points.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Came with a clear beautiful picture of love
Fed it to his eyes
Came with a sweet love song
Played it to his ears
Crept into his soft heart
With quite whisper of love
Whispered it into his heart and soul
His dead passion for love was awaken again
He fell for the deadly trap of heartbreak
His heart wept of the tragedy that befell him
For thirty eight days
He thought he was planting the seed of love
On a love soil of permanency   
But he was only planting his own decimation
Blame him not when he becomes a brute to love.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

The Almighty overseer sits on His throne
Watches men of the acts they perform
Gave them scripts as guidelines to act upon
But they shove it aside and created theirs
According to how it deems fits them
Gradually they forget the motive for being here
Slowly they drifted to the road of lost
Quickly boarded a ship of mischief
Sailing in an ocean of doom
Heading to a place called "nowhere"
When the numbered days surface
Couple of visitors will visit them
In their new house of six feet
To cross examine
When the D-day unveils itself
Records will be ushered 
Left hand collectors are the failures
Right hand collectors are the successful ones.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

A century bulged up with negative inventions
Strongly upholds the atheist theory
A century of brutes breeder
Living is survival of the fittest
Pure witchcraft is manoeuvred
Displayed to us as science and technology
Corruption is now a legal job
Practiced by both old and young
Lawlessness is the laws of the land abided by
Ritual is the road to success
Immorality is now a religion
Embraced wholeheartedly with devoted worship
While real religion is kept aside unpracticed.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
The locomotive catastrophe now prevalent in the universe is an augury that the universe will soon wind up but when is the question.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Our motherland is now engraved with humans with machine hearts, eurocentric naives, sentimental naives and looters of our motherland 's funds. Our motherland Nigeria is now a play house of deceit and defalcation. Our elites at the top only govern themselves and leave the masses in a massive state of corrosion to dwell in low life while they swim in a pool of opulence. Billions of naira are being scooped away on a daily basis. Money meant for project of the betterment of our motherland is diverted for personal use, yet nothing is done to delible this cancerous act because majority of Nigerians are wearing corruption shoes. Looting money is not only the order of the day, bribery is now among. Bribery is the light that illuminates the day in Nigeria. With bribery you can move forward and achieve your goals in life.
They also play an expensive act of deceit on us which we took to heart as truth failing to know the truth that the elites only have some tricks up there sleeve to loot away the nation's wealth. The nation is in a state of dilapidation while few people loot our nation's money and public funds spending it extravagantly, buying expensive things, buying exotic cars, building expensive mansions in Nigeria and overseas. Nigeria needs a revolution in her government in order to have a healthy government that cares for everyone equally; both rich and poor. One of the major problems in Nigerian politics is those old men steering the Nigerian government and political ship.
                THE TREMENDOUS STOUND.

It's another tremendous day 
A day we; Breathe in and out felicitation
Throw accolades to the Almighty
Match on a soil of multitudes of blessings and free grace
Encapsulate ourselves inside clothing of joy and prosperity
Perceive an air of forgiveness of our sins
Feel our prayers is being accepted and our wishes granted
Gulp food of upliftment

— ©Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

I want to buy her priceless innocent heart
Heart of mine still bargaining for the sale
Sale of her heart wished to be sold to me only
Only time will tell me
Me, I will stake my life and soul for her only
Only to make her mine forever
Forever, till the end of time
Time won't be a barrier for not continuing to crave for her heart
Heart carved out of gold
"Gold" is what you are, priceless
"Priceless" is what you are, not buyable
Buyable heart is for the loose woman
Woman of virtue is what you are.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Your innocent fine face is a bright glow
Fine and pure like the sky
Clean and shiny like the stars above
Your killer smile is so fascinating
It reassures me when I see you smile
Mere looking at you makes me feel am in paradise
Makes me forget my baggage of problems
Indeed your face is carved out from beauty
Yet, your definition of beauty does not stop there
Your body is a specie of an acrobat
Flexible and elegant
Sleek and captivating as well
With a natural catwalk installed in you
Your killer catwalk amazes me too.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

The bond was strong
We whispered promises
Into each other's heart
Saying: Like the blood sticks to the vein
So we will be
Like the moon belong to the sky
So we will be
The bond was inseparable
But inseparable for some days
Until the devastator came to decimate us
And decimate our promises too.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
                    THRONE OF DESPAIR.

Sitting on a throne of despair
Looked left and right
Searched from both sides of the globe
Couldn't sight a dirham of hope
Nor a grain of it
Now a living dead on earth
Dead since the first day he became an adult
A living corps waiting to be buried by his kinsmen.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

The lively chanting waking them up.
Boobing up wit their wool covering
Rustling to mime to their creator
Departing to their various chores
Smouldering the early hours
Preparing the early hour condiments with haste
Departing to their various sector and department
With propellers or possessing pedestrian prowess
Clinging their little creatures and valuable accessories with them
Helping them working the early hours till late
And exchanging cash notes.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

There are chameleons
In every division of the segment
There will always be
Pointing to your left and right
Back and Front
You will surely catch a glimpse of them
They appear white today
Black tomorrow
Their bellies are never filled up
They are merchant of loot
They are endowed with cunning tentacles
Used in sucking away their loots
They are unsatisfied swines
Who engulf others ration
They are missionaries of abject penury.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Who are they?
Are they charity givers?
They are:
Merchants of loot
Chiefs of cheat
Agents of dilapidation
Servants of decimation
Culprit behind low life
Swimmers of the pool of opulence
Eaters of life upgrades
Workers of hell.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

You are the god of my heart
Omega of my heart
You are all over me like a god
You are now my goddess
Also my religion
I will worship you always;
Today, tomorrow and forever
If am asked: 
what are my dreams in life?
I will say:
"You are one of them and at the crest of it too"

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
                            OUR FRIENDS.

Living in an ill four cornered walls 
A bush man's house is a mansion
Houseflies wallow through our walls daily
Cat walking gracefully on our torsos and utensils
Giant vampire mosquitoes breed itself in our walls
We are now their daily meals at night
Typhoid fever and malaria are our friend 
They both visit us regularly
We can't do without them, Vice versa
They are like our daily meals
The infirmary becomes our abode
Drugs becomes our diet.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Won't they lost the road for more?
When not having less money is easy, but difficult
And leads to a thorny scorching dungeon
Won't they lost the road for more?
When fast making money is fully installed in their brains and activated
When they want to be a king on earth and slave in heaven.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Lost the road for more
Lost the road because of ignorance and copy cat
The lost road led to despair and plunder
This made them go to the stream to fetch water with a basket
The lost road led to making them a demigod and a creator
A messiah and a miraculous doctor is their logo
An amender of holy constitution is their work.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


Lost in the name of love
They just don't care
They toyed with his emotions
He became a prisoner of love
In order to free himself
He became a Cad and Daredeviltry
Saw the clear pictures of life no more

Lost in the name of belonging
They want to belong to the social class
Marabouts became their God
Sold their souls to him
Visiting him daily
Like the five daily prayers
Laying their problems
Giving them solutions like God
But gave them the exact solution of a devil
Their minds are now ridden to doom.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


Here he is, dwelling in an axis of tholing
If you cast out his heart
You will view unhappiness,
Pain and struggle encapsulated inside it
His smile and laughter of every day is a fake one 
The real one is no where to be found
Lost it a long time ago when he was a child
He calls off the day with bitter thoughts
Does same to meeting up with the day
Which made him question mother life always
"Is there still hope?"
He would have ran river of tears down his sloppy cheeks
Then he realized who he is
Strong men don't cry, crying solves no puzzle
Then he thought of his great ancestors
Their legendary and heroic prowess they possess
He realized same blood runs through his veins
So he kept striving
But he left the bitter river of tears pouring inside his heart
His soul is soaked with crying within
Which left him with a question to mother life
"When will you be fair to me?" 

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

I vow that the love of Romeo and Juliet
Is nothing compared to the love i have for you
I swear that no man can love you the way i do
You are the world i live in
I will drink from the cup of death to make you live
I will draw my sword to make you mine
I will do anything doable to make you happy
I will avoid doing anything that will hinder your happiness
I will hurt myself rather than to hurt you
I will prepare my happiness as a tea for you to drink daily
Just to see you happy
But i might not have enough money
To buy you the whole world you desire
Knowing my only flaw will you still love me?

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

                          THE UNSTOPPABLE.
Thinking about you is unstoppable
It's my daily routine i can't skip
I always get drunk to stupor with your thoughts 
Even gets sick thinking of you 
You are the dream i dream of daily

Love of multitudes is what i have for you
Inscribed in my heart which is indelible
I will draw my sword,
Duel with men, gods and the devil
Just to make you mine

Drown me in your ocean of love
I don't mind if i sink
I know am sinking in the right ocean
And in the right hands
You are my all and star,
My strength and Achilles heel

You are carved out from beauty
Faultless creation is your make
Perfect perfection is your make
Just too perfect and sleek
That it consumed my heart and soul.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

I sang my feelings from A to Z
But our say was different
It broke me down
I was speechless too
My heart was shattered
Shattered into million pieces
Nothing can mend it
Only time can
But when will it be?
And when will I stop wearing my heartbroken cloak?
Because am not barely unlucky
When it comes to this.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Wearing my thought's cloak
Not jubilating over it
Never thought the love would shine for a short recess
It fade away so quickly
There's no remedy to the love saga
I can only watch nature takes its cause.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


We were swallowed up by pride
Because an eye is for an eye
Blood is for blood
I hide myself in dissemble
It eat me up

The bigger show happened
My birthday was noticed
Call of good wishes came in
I didn't do so during her time

I wore shame's flesh
The silence of seven hundred and twenty hours
Has been broken
Still, pride swallowed me
Swallowed us both

We didn't resume how we use to be
Despite my pleas of "sorries".

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Oh my motherland!
A land where the citizens are lost
A land that rears deceit
Swarming with makers of corruption
Amenders of suitable corruption
Givers of packs of abject penury
Emaciation is received as present
People are paid in cowries
Instead of real money
After rendering their services

Oh my motherland!
A land that swarms with varieties of cultures
A land that has employed no unity
Seizing each others breathe is our hubby
People now think like a machine

Oh my motherland!
A land where darkness is our light
Where souls are bargained
Where ritual is the ticket to success
Orderliness is no longer the order of the day
Holy constitution have gone extinct
Oh my motherland!
Is this what you wish to become of your land?

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Whirling from the west came the wind
The wind washed off our cultures
Blew away our thatched houses
Dissected our earth strictly made for farming
In search of oil and valuable substances

The wind whirled alongside with fog
Filling our eyes
Which made us blind
Also washed our hearts hollow.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A
                          JUNE 28, 2018.

An unforgettable day in Lagos city
When tragedy struck a bridge there
The horizon was filled with thick fumes of smolder
When a propeller of oil carrier displayed a daredeviltry
Which flooded the bridge of Otedola in carnage
Unaccounted heavy healthy men were lost
Unidentifiable roasted bodies like beefsteak was recovered 
Scores of cars were lost too, roasted to carcass.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Walking feet
Embracing their daily record of scripts
In their palms
And their slinging pouch
Going on a mission
Preparing for the D-day ahead
D-day's coming soon
Soon like the night waiting for the morning to come.

— Lawal Abdulhamid A.

Tell them to prepare my traveling clothes well
Tell them to lay my bed with joy
Tell them to smile not sobering while am gone
Tell them it's a journey i must take
Tell them it's either sooner or later
Tell them it's my master calling
Tell them it's a journey they will encounter too
Tell them it's either sooner or later.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
What is the essence of you called a human being when you can't reason rationally and erase the thoughts of religious and tribal sentiment installed in your brain, it will take you no where but only to a state of doom...

—  Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Sad thoughts only weakens and kills the body and soul, happy thoughts replenish and calms the body and soul...

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Everything is possible only when you have faith and put your hands, body and soul to work...

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

A man is now called a real man when he carves out a legacy for himself when he inherited none.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

I will tell them a story
I will say"Once upon a time in my motherland Nigeria"
We negotiated superiority from different lanes
On the same land
With high odds
We worked grains of bullet into the air
Flew and hovered iron birds across the sky
To disseminate its wild fire faeces upon ourselves
To cut through black skins
Black skins from the same ancestors
Only to settle our differences

Wailing was the song of the town 
Sobering was a common expression
Men and women lost to death
Even boys and girls too
Fathers turns childless and a widower 
Mothers turns childless and a widow
Children turn orphans and beggars
They are stripped off everything

You will see them fasting hunger
Not celebrating hunger festival
They now became carcass
An empty corroded wagon was now their look
Homelessness became part of their destiny
Running and hiding was their hubby
They put on makeup of sorrow
Wear loosely fit clothes of despair
With fastened up buttons of hopelessness
Wear laced shoes of death
Singing and chanting unrhythmic curses
Incorporated with bitter river of tears

Handsome boys and men who never returned home
Were used to achieve their impossible aims and wishes
Their fate was already drawn
They only work on orders
Orders to kill and be killed

The order master flew away like a jet
To find solace
Leaving his servants behind
Behind to swim in the pool of mislead
To ride on the bicycle of betrayal
To board a train of regret
To meet the people for judgements

Line of superiority is now drawn
Line of greed and betrayal is drawn as well
For men to see.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Moving into the early hours
Embracing and cuddling the early frosty dews
You will see them
Cutting out lively red liquid on their office table
Clashing their red painted metals together
They are not warriors
But armed with swift sharp daggers.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Who will take the bullet?
Who will take the smash and smack?
Who will make the sacrifice?
Not a single soul will

The truth lies untold
Even the prosecutors shut their ears and mouth
But open wide their eyes to watch the sour show
While people are celebrating hunger festival daily
While people are masters of abject penury
While people are decaying
Yet the power reigns
People's entitlement are stripped off
Public fund are not in the positive use
Yet no sacrifice made to delible these sour reign
Mortals are afraid
Afraid to loose minimal souls for the masses
To help the helpless masses
In order to felicitate their well being
Instead of celebrating hunger festival.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

It's the season of blood harvest in my motherland
Men are now hungry and tasty for blood
Blood now flows on the land like a river
Men now carve out each others hearts instead of carving a wood
Sackless souls of men, women and children are budged away
Away from the land of the living to that of death
They encountered a painful journey to meet their creator
In my dreams i hear them crying from the other side of the world
That they were sent back untimely
Carnage is what is left by their conquerer 
Hope is lost
Their lands are snatched away
Displaced families now wallow in anguish
Wailing and sobbering is now their hubby and work
Their eyes now bulge out from their eye socket
What is left for them is the strength and knowledge to place curses
Upon their conquerer.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


They came as a salvationist
And civilization upgrader
They casted out ills though
Twins were slayed no more
Though they functioned barbarism on us
Bitterness and pain was our food
Heart ache was our drink
Regret was our clothes
Agony was our shoes
Hopelessness was our bed
Prayer and curses was our weapon
Death was our solace.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


Modern masters came
They came on a disguise to elevate us 
To put civilization strings on our mind
To cut off the chain of barbarism
But they played barbarism on us
Fastened chains on us
Drilled padlock holes on us
Hauled us like stack of woods
From our motherland to theirs to labour
One after the other, lifelessness engulfed us
We lost hope of returning home
We never returned
So we said our last prayers
We cursed silently in our hearts.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


As a rational being on earth you need to ask yourself these two questions always; "what are my ideals and principles?".
People will address you and treat you based on how you mould yourself according to these two things. If you are a principled man who sticks to his principles no body will want to get on your nerve because of what you laid down. If you are the opposite always be ready for people when they take you for granted. Having good ideals portrays how rational you are, how intelligent and smart you can be which makes people to come close to you and hear the sweet and impactful things that's oozing from your intellectual brain and mouth. To be a respectful person you need this two things up your sleeve for people to respect you and be influential when you talk to people or want favours from them.

Engraved religion all over their torso like a tattoo
Very visible on their forehead too
Very clear to every soul's vision
The holy house is their second home
They are daily customers of worship
Cuddles the holy book like a baby
Reciting the holy corpus daily
Performing the act of a prayer warrior
Meditating to the Great Master above daily
Graced with the might to see visions
Narrates your problems like a short story
Like a messiah sent to save earth
But only a devil's apprentice
Employed to drive earth into carnage

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
                            MEN IN UNIFORM.
Not banished from home
But stays away from family
All in the course of serving our motherland
After signing their death warrant 
They match to war fronts
Willingly offering themselves to Mr Death
Feasting themselves to wars
One after the other
They embrace the warm bullets as hugs
Welcome the hot hungry bombs like good friends
Accompany the missiles to achieve its aim on them
Roasted like barbecue
Now eaten up by war brutally
Lost a leg, hand or an eye
When they depart this world
Their cold bodies are dragged on the rough earth
Contempt burial is what is served to them
Their families now wallow in abject penury
Their compensation is swallowed by the top men
Years of sacrifice was in vain
Heroic deeds are not noted
But turned a blind eye to it.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


We tattooed religion on our forehead as a logo
Not an atom of our religious doctrines portrayed
We drink from the cup of ignorance and mischief daily
Eat meals of dark thoughts and hardness
Yet claiming to be dwelling in religious path

Communities are now forest where they hunt men
Men are now venison
Being hunted and devoured by the same coloured skin 

Sentimentalism is our favorite game
Played on one another daily

We now seek refuge and solace from the exiled man from above.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

From the first day when she was set loose
From the confine of the great masters
Her children never lived in peace 
She was free yet in bonds
Like the saying "Man is free but in bonds"
The bond was created within
Within the corroded minds
So unpure with high odds
They slowly seized her majesty's life
They stripped her naked of her riches
Stripping it from different angles
She is an empty gallon now
Her children now hold on to strings of poverty
Plate of corruption is what her children now eat from
 They now drink tea of corruption
We wished our great masters never set us free
Their line of duty was fair
Purer than ours
Their brains were carved out from legendary
While ours is from daredeviltry.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Life is sacrifice and sacrifice is life.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.