Wednesday, October 31, 2018


As a rational being on earth you need to ask yourself these two questions always; "what are my ideals and principles?".
People will address you and treat you based on how you mould yourself according to these two things. If you are a principled man who sticks to his principles no body will want to get on your nerve because of what you laid down. If you are the opposite always be ready for people when they take you for granted. Having good ideals portrays how rational you are, how intelligent and smart you can be which makes people to come close to you and hear the sweet and impactful things that's oozing from your intellectual brain and mouth. To be a respectful person you need this two things up your sleeve for people to respect you and be influential when you talk to people or want favours from them.

Engraved religion all over their torso like a tattoo
Very visible on their forehead too
Very clear to every soul's vision
The holy house is their second home
They are daily customers of worship
Cuddles the holy book like a baby
Reciting the holy corpus daily
Performing the act of a prayer warrior
Meditating to the Great Master above daily
Graced with the might to see visions
Narrates your problems like a short story
Like a messiah sent to save earth
But only a devil's apprentice
Employed to drive earth into carnage

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.
                            MEN IN UNIFORM.
Not banished from home
But stays away from family
All in the course of serving our motherland
After signing their death warrant 
They match to war fronts
Willingly offering themselves to Mr Death
Feasting themselves to wars
One after the other
They embrace the warm bullets as hugs
Welcome the hot hungry bombs like good friends
Accompany the missiles to achieve its aim on them
Roasted like barbecue
Now eaten up by war brutally
Lost a leg, hand or an eye
When they depart this world
Their cold bodies are dragged on the rough earth
Contempt burial is what is served to them
Their families now wallow in abject penury
Their compensation is swallowed by the top men
Years of sacrifice was in vain
Heroic deeds are not noted
But turned a blind eye to it.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.


We tattooed religion on our forehead as a logo
Not an atom of our religious doctrines portrayed
We drink from the cup of ignorance and mischief daily
Eat meals of dark thoughts and hardness
Yet claiming to be dwelling in religious path

Communities are now forest where they hunt men
Men are now venison
Being hunted and devoured by the same coloured skin 

Sentimentalism is our favorite game
Played on one another daily

We now seek refuge and solace from the exiled man from above.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

From the first day when she was set loose
From the confine of the great masters
Her children never lived in peace 
She was free yet in bonds
Like the saying "Man is free but in bonds"
The bond was created within
Within the corroded minds
So unpure with high odds
They slowly seized her majesty's life
They stripped her naked of her riches
Stripping it from different angles
She is an empty gallon now
Her children now hold on to strings of poverty
Plate of corruption is what her children now eat from
 They now drink tea of corruption
We wished our great masters never set us free
Their line of duty was fair
Purer than ours
Their brains were carved out from legendary
While ours is from daredeviltry.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Life is sacrifice and sacrifice is life.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.