Tuesday, February 26, 2019


A legion of army armed to death's taste
Married and made love to their languid corroded arms
Even befriended it too
Depart with their arms firmly gripped in their sour hands
In the same naked palms they used to sign their death warrant
Like volunteering to go on a suicide mission
But these great fallen souls goes unremembered
Like a chicken slaughtered for Christmas feast.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

When a sellsword wields his sword for a golden prize
Will the king and his retinue be left unslain?
When the full night crawls into position who dares waits for it?
When the cock crows who denies it's an early hour call?
When a suckling child is hungry won't the baby cry out loud to be breastfeed?
When the drums are remitting ravishing sounds pleasing to the ear
Won't we employ our body to dance to the sweet rhythm?
Why won't we stir the wheel of revolution when it's time?
Are we waiting for Jesus to perform his miracle
When he returns back to earth?

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.

Today's not a market day but tomorrow will be
Today, a trumpeter blows his trumpet
Tomorrow he won't be able to
Today, damsels with unbeatable beauty stampede the ground
According to the rhythm of the drums
Tomorrow you will find them lying beneath shroud
Bearing another name.

Today, a man is a servant
Tomorrow he becomes a lord
Today, a man is a hunter
Tomorrow he becomes the hunted

Today is as peaceful as paradise
Tomorrow becomes a ground of second world War.

— Lawal Abdulhamid .A.