Monday, August 24, 2020


    Money is a very vital phenomenon that's inseparable and indispensable from humans in our daily life activities. We need it all the time to keep up with the standards of life and live a worthwhile life by taking care of our financial needs. There's no doubt that money is one of the things that sustains human life apart from the free grace of life the Almighty bestowed on us, but how we get money, how we ask for money, and when we should ask for money really matters in our lives as self respect should be one of the things we should put into consideration when we hunt for money because someone looses his or face or self worth in a society when an individual looses his or her self respect; but its a different case with most Nigerian girls as they don't value self respect which has now made them to have an ill mentality that a guy should take care of their financial needs when in a relationship. Although, it's not bad if a guy gives his girl money out of love or when his girl is in need, it only makes the love stronger when a guy do so but it shouldn't be a compulsory thing. Nigerians girls and their ill mentality of an obligatory role of a guy to perform the duty of an assistant parent in taking care of their financial needs when in a relationship is now alarming in Nigeria and order of the day as Nigerian girls now take money as a yardstick to measure love in a relationship and has brought about the sick idea of "no money no love."

     Nigerian girls now use money as a yardstick for measuring love in a relationship because of the ill mentality they have that a guy must spend for them or must take care of their financial needs when dating a guy, not putting into consideration whether if the guy's working or not. They even go to the extent of always shamelessly demanding money from a guy they are dating which is absolutely wrong. A Nigerian girl will expect a broke guy she is dating who's still under his parents to be giving her money, I wonder where she wants him to get money from. Most Nigerian girls now love a guy if the guy is capable of giving them money which is very bad. Nigerian girls now see a guy not fit for dating or loving them if he can't take care of their financial needs. What annoys me the most is that some of these girls have families that takes care of them but still want to collect money from their boyfriend which shows the level of them not being contended with what they have. 

     Nigerian girls now download the above mentioned ill mentality as they grow up due to the corrupt and poverty ridden environment some of them grow up in. They activate this mentality to work as they enter into relationships as they now see it as a compulsory thing that their so called boyfriend should take care of their needs or must spend for them. It's not hard to find a girl in Nigeria being in love with a guy because the guy buys her stuffs and gives her money. It's still not hard in Nigeria to find a girl who jumps from one relationship to another just because their previous boyfriends can't take care of her financial needs anymore or don't give her money anymore which has led to silent prostitution as they now sell their body for money.

     With the above mentioned mentality which Nigerian ladies have, it has now made them to think that relationships are now a means of job opportunity when dating especially when their boyfriend is working. They now expect their boyfriend to perform an obligatory role of performing the duty of assistant parent by giving them money always or taking care of them even when some of them have parents who's taking care of them. The problem in Nigeria is that most of Nigerian girls are very lazy, extravagant and not contented with the little they have which has now made them to think that relationships are job opportunities as well as an avenue for having an assistant parent to give them money. 

     My philosophy about most Nigerian girls is that ones from poverty ridden homes and ones from average homes share the same ill mentality that a guy should perform an obligatory duty of an assistant parent in taking care of their financial needs or giving them money when dating a guy, of which Nigerian girls now see as a normal thing in a relationship as well as a compulsory responsibility to be fulfilled by the guy they are dating.

—Lawal Abdulhamid A.


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